Newsletter #1-1, September 12, 2007

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Girl Scouts of River Bluffs Council Troop #1116, St. Libory, IL

Current Activities

Well, it is the beginning of another school year. Hopefully everyone is already in their routine.

We started our meeting together with the Brownie troop by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law. We also discussed the basic format on how we will proceed with our meetings. We will be meeting at the same time and place as the Brownie troop. We will also have the opportunity to do some activities together.

After breaking into the different age groups, the Daisy girls decorated a Kaper Chart pocket to use at every meeting. The Kaper Chart is activities that the girls complete at each meeting to help.

The girls discussed Daisy Girl Scouts and some of the activities that they will be completing including “The Promise Center and Learning Petals” and what each one stands for.

The girls also cut out a “Good Deed” leaf. The leaves will be used in our upcoming Investiture and Rededication Ceremony on Oct. 10th. The leaf is used to tell everyone about a good deed that they have done over the next couple of weeks. Examples of good deeds may include feeding animals, cleaning their room, helping mom or dad, etc. Please help your daughters write their “Good Deed” on their leaf.

After the girls were done, they used some of their extra energy and played outside for about 10-15 min.

Important Information

We have a list of the meetings for the school. Please sign this along with your daughter’s name to let the school know that your daughters can stay after school for each meeting.

The girls also volunteered for the snack list. There is enough girls in both troops (a total of 16) to bring one drink and one snack for the entire year!!

The dues for the meeting will be $1 per meeting. The girls cannot bring their dues until they become Brownie Girl Scouts, so we are asking that the parents either pay $1 per meeting or you can pay for the entire year. The total cost for dues for the entire year will be $16.

I will be going to the council shop soon if anyone would like to place an order for uniforms. Uniforms are not required, but they are recommended. Since the girls are only Daisies for one year, we are suggesting that you buy the minimum. The Brownie Troop is going to sponsor the Daisy Troop by purchasing the Daisy membership pins for each girl. The only other items that we suggest is the World Trefoil pin and the insignia tab for a total of $4.05. The girls will then receive their membership pins at the Investiture Ceremony.

We will be having a small ceremony at our regular meeting on Oct. 10th. Any parents are invited to come.

In anyone has any questions or comments, please call Carol at 768-4603. Thank you, Carol and Sue