Newsletter #1-6, November 21, 2007
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Girl Scouts of River Bluffs Council Troop #1116, St. Libory, IL

Current Activities

We started our meeting together with the Brownie troop by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law.

After breaking into the different age groups, the Daisies completed activities about the “caring and sharing” petal.

We also completed a similar activity with the Brownie troop. We used crayons, markers and paints to make pictures and cards for military personnel. The girls made various pictures and had a lot of fun.

We are going to donate them to the Patriotic Sisters of America organization that is out of Freeburg. They send an estimated 30 plus boxes to the soldiers every month.

We will be finishing the “considerate and caring” petal at the next meeting. We will also try to catch up on a few activities that were missed by a few girls. They will also discuss more about learning the Girl Scout Promise and earning their petals.

We will be planning a couple of field trips within the next few months. We will send information home soon about each one of them to see if anyone would be interested in attending. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

We will also try to let the girls spend their Daisy Dollars that they have earned within the next couple of meetings.

We completed our meeting by doing the Friendship Squeeze.

Important Information

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 5th right after school until 4:30pm. The girls will be working on finishing the activities that have been started including the “considerate and caring” petal activities.

The dues for the meeting are $1 per meeting. The girls should not bring their dues until they become Brownie Girl Scouts, so we are asking that the parents pay for the entire year for a total of $16.

I will be going to the council shop sometime before the end of the year if anyone would like to place an order for uniforms. Uniforms are not required, but they are recommended. Since the girls are only Daisies for one year, we are suggesting that you buy the minimum. The only items that we suggest is the World Trefoil pin and the insignia tab for a total of $4.05. The girls have already received their Daisy membership pins at the Investiture Ceremony. Please remind the girls to wear their Daisy necklaces and pins to every Girl Scout event including meetings.

We have also set up our Daisy Girl Scout Troop website. The address is listed at the top of this and future newsletters. Please check it out and sign our guestbook.

If anyone has any questions or comments, please call Carol at 768-4603.

Thank you, Carol and Sue